We decided this year to have our family vacation at home in Nebraska. We went to Kansas City two summers ago and then Colorado last year, and Nebraska seemed like a good fit for this year. We were excited to make the farm into a vacation. We all love coming home so we knew this wouldn't be difficult. We decided to plan a lot of different things so that it felt like a vacation. Our days were pretty busy: Husker Stadium tour, day at the lake, picnic, pedicures/golfing, farmers market, Japanese steak house, spike ball, antique shop, Omaha Zoo, fishing, eating, eating, and more eating. :) After all was said and done, our favorite thing was when we just hung out at the farm. I guess being at the farm is vacation enough. We had a great time all being together. Things have definitely changed around the Eberspacher house with the addition of babies as they are our main focus and source of entertainment. Those grand babies sure do get spoiled, and we can't wait for grand baby number three to arrive in September. It was a wonderful trip and again Dakota did a great job on the drive there and back.

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