It is hard to believe that this little man is almost a year old. He is changing every day. Corbin is such a happy little guy and so smiley and giggly. He is now crawling and getting into everything. I find him in tight places or under the table, pulling over Dakota's shopping cart and strollers on top of himself, taking everything out of the drawers, climbing up the stairs, and getting into sisters things, which she doesn't like very much. Dakota always responds by saying, "no brother, yucky" (I must say this a lot as he is putting everything into his mouth these days.) Corbin has his two bottom teeth in and it looks like all four are going to come on the top at once. This month he got sick for the first time with a high fever (103 degrees) which ended up being Roseola. This normally smiley, happy guy was definitely more fussy and clingy but he was quite the trooper. Corbin is talking and screaming more and loves to say 'mama' and 'dada'. He is eating more food and loves to stuff his mouth full and hide things in his cheeks. This kid is all boy as he makes a huge mess every meal and insists on not wearing a bib. At his 9 month check-up, he was 19.3 lbs and 28 in. long. Dakota weighs 24 lbs so Corbin is catching up with her quickly. This fella and his sister bring us so much joy. It just keeps getting better!
Grandma and Grandpa came out for a couple days to help Dave and Jackie move back to the Springs. Sadly while they were here Corbin got sick with a high fever and rash which ended up being Roseola. It was a bummer that he wasn't his happy self but it was nice to have the extra help. Dakota loved her time with Grandma (Nanny, Grandma, Nana. Dakota calls her all of these names) and Papa helping them do some things at Erin's house, going on walks, swinging, and getting to go to Monkey Bizness. We had a fun quick time together!!