Corbin and Dakota did a great job as always with the 8 hours drive to Nebraska and back. We decided to leave after work on Thursday which got us into Milford pretty late but the kids were fast asleep. We had a great time together, and it was fun to watch Dakota play with her cousins. We celebrated with the Eberspachers on Saturday and ate lunch on Sunday with Grandma and Dave and Jackie before having to head back home. Corbin and Dakota are so spoiled and loved on by their grandma and grandpa.
4 months have flown by so quickly. This little guy is all smiles. He is now rolling all over the place but will often get frustrated on his stomach even though he knows how to roll back onto his back. At his 4 month appointment, he weighed 14.5 lbs (already doubling his birth weight) and measured 25.5 inches tall. It is looking like he is going to be tall like his daddy. Corbin loves to play with his feet and suck on his toes. He continues to be a little cat napper which is slightly painful for his mommy yet he sleeps through the night every once in a while which is quite the treat. This is little man is quite the ray of sunshine as he just chills in his jumper or bumbo watching his sister run around him.
Rhonda and Larry came out to visit and help with the kids while Patrick was on a work trip in Ohio for a week. It was great to have their help and Corbin and Dakota loved the extra snuggles, kisses, and playtime with Nanny and Papaw.