It was exciting to find out I was pregnant, it was amazing to see the ultra sounds, but it is even more exciting to tell your friends and family about it all. Now we can all share in the excitement.
8 weeks pregnant:
We decided to tell our family around Mother's Day. Unfortunately we were heading back to Nebraska for my Grandpa Eberspacher's funeral. This wasn't the circumstances that we wanted to sharing this exciting news. Yet I was reminded again of God's perfect timing. His timing is perfect, and as hard as it was to wait I like thinking that the Lord was forming this little life as He was preparing my Grandpa Eberspacher to leave this Earth! With sorrow there also comes joy. With death there is new life. Yet I would have loved to be able to tell grandpa that we were pregnant. He was such an amazing grandpa and great grandpa.
We decided to have Erin play a part in telling the rest of the family. (Erin already knew about the pregnancy. We told her day 4 of being pregnant. I just had to tell one person other than the nurse at the doctor's office. ) When we were all together in the livingroom, Erin handed out Mother's Day cards to all the mothers in our family: first mom, then Lauren, and then ME! The girls all got it right away and started screaming and jumping up and down. The guys were a little slower to catch on, but they understood once the girls went crazy. It was a fun way to tell the family, and it was a blessing that we were all together.
Unfortunately we weren't able to be with the Clark family when we shared the news with them. I really wish we could have flown out there to tell them in person, but it was still special. We ending up calling them on our drive back from Nebraska. It was Mother's Day. It was a great treat because Jennifer was with Rhonda and Larry. Patrick calmly mentioned that we had already been thinking about Christmas. He said, "I just don't know if the THREE of us will be able to make the trip this year." (No, we were not talking about Max.) There was silence on the other end of the phone. I don't think they were breathing. Jennifer and Larry said that Rhonda had to sit down because she was so overcome with joy and excitement. :) It was so fun to hear everyone's reactions.
13 weeks pregnant:
We had our second ultra sound. That baby of ours is a mover. Patrick was amazed that I couldn't feel the baby moving. I have to remember that it is only about 2 1/2 inches right now. Since we had made it past the scary stage of pregnancy and the baby was healthy and active, we decided to tell the rest of our friends and family. I made a lot of phone calls that day, but it was so much fun telling those that we love. We also posted a picture on facebook so that it could finally be official.