Work in Progress #1: Baby room
One thing I have learned about my husband is that if he is going to do something, he is going to do it right and never just half way. I tend to get a little impatient, and I do things quickly. When Patrick cleans the house for me, he is the one that vacuums behind the furniture and dusts the ceiling fan. I don't do that. When we dress up for Halloween, he goes all out and makes the most impressive Double Stuf Oreo costume. I would have been good with going as ourselves...
So when we started thinking about getting the baby room ready, I would have been content with just painting the baby room. Patrick had different ideas:
1. scraping the popcorn off the ceiling
2. rip out the baseboards
3. take out the closet and put in new doors
4. put in a ceiling fan and center light (old houses tend to not have any ceiling lights)
5. replace the old window
6. put in crown molding
7. replace all the outlets
8. patch any holes in the wall
9. and.... paint
This is a trait that I love in Patrick. I just have to learn to be patient. Hopefully this little remodel wont take as long as the basement (3 months). This little baby room is going to be perfect for our little girl
once it is all done.
Choose paint color (not checked) This was my one job so far, and I am having a
more difficult time than anticipated. I just want a gray room, but there are
too many grays to choose from. I wish I could go to the store and ask
for a gallon of GRAY Aka: GREY..."Ahhh" (that was me screaming)
Work in Progress #2: Baby Quilt
A little over a month ago my first baby quilt was stolen, but I am already back to the point I was at when it was taken. I am actually loving this quilt even more. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. I decided to actually make a quilt that could fit on a twin bed. That way she can use it as a little baby blanket and then also on her big girl bed down the road. I truly love to sew, and I am excited about possibly trying to make some baby clothes as well. We will see how that turns out.
Work in Progress #3: Baby Bump
I am soon to be 27 weeks, and will soon be beginning my third trimester. That means I am almost 2/3 of the way there "Ahhh....." (that was Patrick screaming)!! My little baby bump is really not a bump any more. It is now quite obvious that I am pregnant and not just getting a little pudgy. Getting bigger and weighing myself on the scale has actually been a little more difficult than I thought it would be. I know that it is important to gain weight for the baby, but it is just humbling to see numbers on the scale that I have never seen before. Also, I don't think that it helps that Patrick is loosing weight while I am gaining. He is training for another marathon in October so he has definitely not gained any sympathy weight. My goal is to always weigh less than Patrick but we are getting closer by the day. :)
Work in Progress #4: Finishing Teaching
If you didn't already know, I will not be returning to work after our baby is here. It is bitter sweet to think about leaving teaching for a while since I love teaching, I love my team, my school, and my students. I will be sad to say goodbye to everyone, but I know that I will never regret our decision for me to stay home with our kids. It has been a little strange to start teaching this year knowing that I only have one semester with these students. I have a great group of kids this year, but they still keep me on my toes. I have been feeling really good and actually not too tired during the work day. I try to wear my compression stockings but wow... they are so unattractive. Because of my unsightly varicose veins (a result of my blood clots three years ago), I have been encouraged by the doctor to wear them. I already look fat and now I have to wear grandma stockings? I can only handle so much! I have tentatively planned to work full time up until Thanksgiving break and then come back after break and start transitioning out while the new teacher steps in.
I will keep you posted on our progress as we finish the baby room, I complete my quilt, see my feet disappear, and say goodbye to teaching for a while.